Amelia Raudales

Amelia Raudales

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute


Major: International Relations

Issue Area: Women’s Rights & Gender Justice


Amelia Raudales is a senior at Florida International University, Honors College studying International Relations with certificates in Public Policy Studies and Human Rights & Political Transitions. Amelia has been selected to take part in several nation-wide and worldwide fellowships including the UN Millennium Fellowship, Clinton Global University Initiative, and the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge. Academically, she has done research for the Department of State, Southern Command, and MITRE. She was President of her school’s student philanthropic council the Student Ambassadors program, captain of their leadership club LEAD Team, and Director of their social justice organization the Panther Community Action Board. She is currently developing an app to enhance poverty alleviation and sustainability practices and will be a congressional intern this fall under the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.